3/167 - Cornford Lane
Cornford Lane ranks 3rd highest value out of 167 local lanes based on landscape, recreation, history and nature values.
Increasingly emphasis has been given by government to the improvement and protection of the environment, less reliance on motor transport, and with increased provision for improved availability of safe routes for walking and cycling.
A specific government incentive is now in place for local authorities to receive direct finance to fund changes to make this happen.
This should enable TWBC to implement schemes that it is already commited to support, as published in multiple TWBC Policies over many years but that have not been undertaken, including the current Local Plan, as follows:
The newly published TWBC Draft Local Plan has many references confirming our council’s commitment to:
• Improved Transport Links
• Greening of the Environment
• Safer Walking and Cycling
• Healthy Living
These are enshrined in specific Policies, pertinant extracts of which are:
POLICY STR6 Transport and Parking.
• Where travel is necessary, active travel (walking and cycling) will be prioritised
• Continue to develop and provide an integrated strategic cycle network
• To include networks within settlements, particularly Royal Tunbridge Wells,Southborough, Langton Green, Rusthall, Pembury, Paddock Wood, Five Oak Green
• Enhance the rural lanes network to ensure that they are convenient and safe for users
• Improve or enhance the historic environment, and landscape connectivity
POLICY EN 16 Green, Grey, and Blue Infrastructure
• Strengthening and restoring a healthy and integrated network of habitats and green spaces for the benefit of nature, people, and the economy … provide improved connections for people, or stepping
stones/corridors for wildlife.
• Opportunities for green (and grey and blue) infrastructure should include but are not limited to:
a. Landscape buffers
b. Green routes for walking and cycling
In accordance with the European Landscape Convention, the Local Planning Authority will view the landscape as a resource that will be protected as a whole….
This includes urban and rural, degraded or outstanding landscapes, and the features that it supports,(including) ancient routeways.
Natural, built and historic environment.
• Both the natural and built environment of the borough are of high quality, with 70% of the borough designated as High Weald AONB
• Environmental characteristics much valued by residents, with…. extensive areas of ancient woodland, ancient field patterns and hedgerows and rural lanes.
• Around 22% of the western part of the borough surrounding Royal Tunbridge Wells, Southborough, and Pembury is Green Belt … providing links to the countryside.
• Biodiversity Enhancements and Green, Grey, and Blue Infrastructure:
Land at Pembury
Consideration will be given to
• provision of cycle link to Tunbridge Wells
• Rural lanes which are of landscape, amenity, nature conservation, historic or archaeological importance will be protected from changes which would damage their character and enhanced.
Cornford Lane ranks 3rd highest value out of 167 local lanes based on landscape, recreation,history and nature values.
TWBC Green Infrastructure Plan Supplementary Planning Document (Adopted August 2014)
CorePolicy14:Development in the Villages and Rural Areas (8) Non-motorised modes of transport between the rural settlements and within the rural areas will be encouraged by ensuring that the existing network of public footpaths and bridleways are protected, maintained and improved. Opportunities for new green routeways within, and between, settlements, and between settlements and areas of recreation, will be identified and planned for to encourage non-motorised modes of transport and to enhance biodiversity.